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Home and Garden Ideas

Home and Garden Ideas

Home and Garden Ideas

Our Home and Garden Ideas page is a dedicated category page for all our posts relating to garden ideas for your garden, patio’s and backyard. However, within each post, you can click on tags for example like Design that will take you to more targeted posts on that subject.

Best Solar Powered Bird Baths
Home and Garden Ideas

6 Best Solar Powered Bird Bath Fountains – 2021 Buyers Guide


Reading Time: 12 minutes Buyers guide to the UK’s 6 best solar powered birdbaths and fountains.

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Solar water feature for the garden - Fountain
Home and Garden Ideas

What is the Best Solar Water Feature

Garden Design

Reading Time: 5 minutes What is the best solar water feature for your garden? This is a question that many home and garden owners have asked repeatedly. After all, there are literally

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Cordless Jet Washers - man cleaning tiles outdoors with jet washer
Home and Garden Ideas

8 Best Cordless Jet Washers – 2021 Buyers Guide

Garden Equipment

Reading Time: 16 minutes Buyers guide to the 8 best ‘cordless jet washers’ currently on the UK market

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Outside Christmas Garland with Lights
Home and Garden Ideas

7 Best Outdoor Christmas Garland With Lights – 2021 Buyers Guide


Reading Time: 11 minutes Buyers guide to the best outdoor Christmas garlands with lights, especially for the home

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Person in Christmas Dress by an Artificial Christmas Tree
Home and Garden Ideas

7 Best Artificial Christmas Trees – 2021 Buyers Guide


Reading Time: 13 minutes Buyers guide to the best artificial Christmas trees for the home

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Fire Pits For The Garden
Home and Garden Ideas

Best 5 Fire Pits For The Garden – 2021 Buyers Guide


Reading Time: 14 minutes No need to rush indoors when the weather turns cooler, How? Make a fire.

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Wheelie Bin Screens in a Garden
Home and Garden Ideas

10 Best Wheelie Bin Screens – 2021 Buyers Guide

Wheelie Bins

Reading Time: 12 minutes Why do you need wheelie bin screens? For many though there remains that eye soar, the dreaded green wheelie bin.

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Hand with black pen drawing plans- Planning Permissions Sheds UK
Home and Garden Ideas

What is the Maximum Size Shed Permitted Without Planning Permission


Reading Time: 9 minutes When you have decided that you want to erect a …

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Garden Deck box
Home and Garden Ideas

The Astonishing Garden Deck Box

Outdoor Storage Boxes

Reading Time: 6 minutes We should stress this is not an exhaustive deck box …

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